NDIS Innovative Community Participation

Harmony Services

NDIS Innovative Community Participation

NDIS Social and community participation is a program to support NDIS participants in building their skills. Innovative community participation NDIS. We promote engaging in community activities with specific goals. Activities that emphasise learning, fitness, community involvement, and fun are popular with our participants. Our daytime programmes are also customised to fit your interests and objectives. Have a specific venue or activity in mind? Give us a call, and we’ll make achieving your objectives a fun day out. 

Innovative community participation NDIS

NDIS innovative community participation is a program to support NDIS participants in building their skills. Innovative community participation NDIS.  What sets us apart? We are the only supplier that pairs individuals with comparable support needs, communication skills, intellectual abilities, and social skills. It is our responsibility to make each group member feel as though they are interacting with others who are “on their level.” They can create new social groups that each has a connection to in this way. 

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