Assist Access/Maintain Employment or Higher Education

About Harmony

Assist access/maintain employment or higher education

Those who get assistance at work might use professional networks to find and get in touch with employers. After obtaining a job, employees will be helped to keep it via the Assist Access/Maintain Employee programme.
Before joining the Harmony, participants who had already found employment are also eligible for help. Some forms of assistance are covered by the Commonwealth Quality and Safeguards (such as the National Standards for Disability Services certification acquired through the Human Services Scheme); however, this ultimately relies on the jurisdiction.

Harmony can also get employment assistance to obtain the vital skills she needs to thrive in the contemporary economy. These abilities include interviewing and writing resumes.
Additionally, participants receive assistance in defining and achieving employment and professional goals. Additionally, as much employer assistance as feasible will be promoted in this area, including on-site training and other initiatives to help staff members realise their full potential.

Assist access maintain employment or higher education 02
Assist access maintain employment or higher education 01
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